update: I removed it so this post is useless now My apt repository still ain’t perfect yet but it’s kinda useable now. The nvidia dist is just a mirror of https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/debian12/ with the ability to be pinned so it should be fine. Register the PGP key wget -qO - https://apt.snoeijs.tech/debian/snoeijs.tech.gpg.key | sudo gpg --dearmor -vo /usr/share/keyrings/snoeijs.tech.gpg Add repositories for dist in nvidia snoeijs; do echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/snoeijs.tech.gpg] http://apt.snoeijs.tech/debian/ $dist main" done | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources....
First Post
This is my first post using this server so imma just do the absolute minimum of documenting what I’ve already done. Apt The apt repository is at https://apt.snoeijs.tech/debian/. It’s made with reprepro and is not meant to actually be used by anyone yet. Mail The mail server is at snoeijs.tech and just uses plain ol’ system users with a maildir each and it got webmail. The SMTP server is mail.snoeijs.tech with port 465....